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I grew up in a Christian home, but ...

I grew up in a Christian home, but although I was taught about Christianity, I didn’t have the right example to follow and as a result ended up becoming influence by the world as a young girl.

I had suffered some abuse growing up which caused me to become anxious, fearful & wanting to be validated by people. Throughout my high school and college years God started to place people to speak truth into my life, some being friends and some being youth groups I went to growing up.

"I had suffered some abuse growing up which caused me to become anxious"

One encounter that marked me was being alone in my room and in a place of deep anxiety about my life, the Holy Spirit fell down on me and convinced me He was real. I knew then that God was definitely real and wanted to get closer to me.

I got saved in 2014 and then began my journey with God. I’ve had ups and downs, moments of realigning my heart with God’s but He has been faithful to me & He is faithful to those who seek Him! 

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